Portsmouth FC announced today that they are selling a replica away shirt with the match details that will be on the players tops at the EFL Trophy Final on Saturday.
The current white shirt was avalailable to order exclusively through the UberEats app. They are priced at £49.50 and you have the option to add the match detail for £3. There is a small delivery charge (subject to distance from the club store). The app will let you odrer that shirt if your delivery address is within 3 miles of the Stadium.
It is worth noting that the initial date for this game saw Portsmouth drawn as the home team and had lined up the standard home kit for the final. This limited shirt is obviously the away kit. The club have been advertising a match day program for Saturday showing us in blue on the cover. The press release for this away shirt stated this:
Supporters who live within a three-mile radius of the club shop can order a commemorative Wembley final away shirt – which is exclusive to Uber Eats.
It will include the same text that will be printed on the tops that the Pompey squad will wear on the day.
If the club end up playing the expected blue home kit on Saturday, the last line in that quote may be their cover as it states the ‘same text’ as the players tops. And doesn’t say ‘same shirts’. That would offer up the question as to why they didn’t release home shirts with the match text.
I am sure we will find out over the coming days.

[edit/update] Today the club have put the shirt on the main club store. It now states that this is a replica of the shirt to be worn in the final. Still confusion as to why we have changed from the home drawn team to the away, though some have suspicions….